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DIY beet root face pack for a glowing and radiant skin

Your skin needs extra care and attention with every change in season, especially for those who have oily or dry skin. You need to keep your skin hydrated and clean all the time. While there are several natural and safe options to moisturize your skin, there are few natural ways to keep your skin clean and healthy. If you have also been hoping to find an effective natural face pack for your skin, we have got you covered. Need a hint to guess what our amazing face pack contains? Well, you can easily recall being recommended to drink beetroot juice for healthy skin. We are going to use the healthy fellow for our awesome, natural face pack.

But why beetroot?

Beetroot has great staining properties. Try touching it and you will instantly get stained. The ability to stain the skin with its juices which are full of vitamins and folic acid, makes beetroot a popular choice for natural skin care remedies.

Here is how you can look after your skin with an all-natural beetroot face pack.

To prepare your amazing beetroot face pack, you don't need a never ending list that may drill a hole in your wallet. Here is what you would need to prepare the face pack; one spoon of raw beetroot juice, pinch of turmeric, half spoon milk cream and 2 spoon of gram flour.

How to prepare your magical face pack?

First thing you need to do is grate the beetroot; only half a beetroot grated in a bowl would be enough. Now squeeze it to extract its juice into a separate bowl. Add a teaspoon full of turmeric and gram flour to the bowl and mix it nicely. Remember we told you about the staining abilities of beetroot? So we need to take care of that as well else you will end up with a pinkish skin tone. To ensure the face pack doesn't stain, add milk cream to the bowl and mix well. Milk cream will also add the much needed moisturizing abilities to your face pack. Your natural face pack is ready for use.

How to use it?

Wash your face gently with water. Avoid using any harsh soap as it rips moisture off of your face. Now apply our homemade beetroot face pack in even thickness all over your face and neck. It is better to avoid going too close to the eyes as you should always prevent anything from hurting them. Once you have got your face covered with the face pack, leave it on for 10-12 minutes and wash it off gentle with water. You should once again avoid using soap to wash off the pack. Well, that's all. Now you should have a smoother, glowing skin.

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