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Cases of syphilis hit highest level in England since 1949

The number of cases of syphilis in England have reached the highest level since 1949, figures show. Cases of the infection have almost doubled since 2012, according to data from Public Health England (PHE).

In 2016 there were 5,920 syphilis diagnoses, a 12% increase on the previous year’s figure (5,281) and a 97% rise on 2012 (3,001).

PHE said the cases were mostly associated with transmission in gay and bisexual men, and other men who have sex with men.

Syphilis is a bacterial infection that is usually caught by having sex with someone who is infected. It can generally be treated with a short course of antibiotics, but if left untreated it can cause serious long-term problems.
During 2016, 420,000 diagnoses of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) were made in England, a decline of 4% compared with 2015, according to the PHE data.

PHE said the impact of STIs remained greatest in heterosexuals aged 15-24, black ethnic minorities and men who have sex with men.

Dr Michael Brady, the medical director for the Terrence Higgins Trust, a sexual health charity, said: “Today’s figures show unacceptably high rates of STIs. We’re facing huge challenges, such as the continued rise of syphilis and ongoing concerns around drug-resistant gonorrhoea, and we urgently need to address the nation’s poor sexual health and rates of STIs in those most at risk.

“In this climate of cuts to local authorities’ public health budgets, this is particularly concerning. Now is not the time to be scaling back sexual health services. Cuts to chlamydia testing, for example, are having a visible impact, with today’s figures showing that there has been a 9% decrease in the number of chlamydia tests taken.

“It is also now essential that Public Health England, the Department of Health and local authorities ensure improved access to effective STI and HIV testing, treatment and prevention services. Otherwise, we cannot expect to address the ongoing sexual health crisis.”

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