Does a sudden weather change make you sick
Weather change, do we need to change with this change. It has been a word in the masses that change in climate affects healthy being. The reality is that people with vulnerable immune system or less immunity gets attacked by bacteria, which becomes prominent during seasonal transition.
The shift in season brings along several other changes in environment that creates a situation of flu. These flu systems reach to the most susceptible individuals, and affect body that used ti function at a certain temperature. If body fails to adapt to the seasonal change, the likelihood of getting affected by bacterial infections and viruses is quite high.
Myths associated with weather change
Change in weather causing health condition is a misconception. If hot winds can make one ill, why not hot shower? Temperature alone could not be the reason of infections. Health experts across the globe agree to the fact that cold can be responsible for runny nose, but pointing out cause of cold specifically due to weather change is not right. In the same manner, rain may give chills, but is not solely responsible for fever.
Cold weather / Hot weather
During the shift to cold season, people tend to involve in more indoor activities while cooping within their homes. In the scenario, the probability of spreading germs is fair, as they are not exposed to much fresh air. Being enclosed within walls of home is considered as the right activity in the season by many, wanting the warmth.
On the other hand, outdoor activities rise up with the transition from cold weather conditions to hot weather conditions. More outdoor activities means more contact with external elements, and therefore, more chances for allergies to flare. One of most affecting external elements is pollen within air, which aggravates respiratory problems or causes other health complications like asthma. Dehydration, headaches and heatstroke are some other prominent conditions faced due to this reason, which are blamed on changing state of weather.
Prevention of Heath Conditions during weather Change
Boosting immunity during the weather changes is the way to cope with possible health complications. Apt nutrition, physical exercises and hygiene should also be strictly adhered to. Moreover, intake of nutritional elements such as vitamin C, Zinc helps in fighting infectious symptoms.
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