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Omnity ICO Review

Imagine if we had the ability to efficiently navigate massive stores of high-quality documents? Everything we should read to stay current was now self-detected, self-organized, inter-connected and readily available? All internal personal, organization, or company documents were instantly and precisely mapped to both other internal as well as external documents, independent of language, geography, market, or curation bias? Omnity is a self-assembling, decentralized knowledge curation system, interconnecting private document repositories at all scales (of, by, and for people, companies, organizations, and Governments). Semantic interconnections are made both within internal document sets and with external high-quality, third-party vetted public data from throughout the world. Omnity does not scrape the web;
 rather we harvest and interconnect massive sets of public and private documents systematically uploaded through APIs and connectors to uncover hidden and unexpected patters of high value. Individual users can also upload single documents or small document sets directly into Omnity using intuitive drag and drop interfaces. Omnity only uses vetted sources to extract otherwise hidden patterns of information:
 whitepapers, think tank articles, peer-reviewed articles (scientific, medical, legal, engineering, technology, math), university publications, M.S. and Ph.D. theses, several news sources, patents, federal grant deliverables, Wikipedia, open access journals, national archives content, and similar and related content. Omnity does so in most file formats (Adobe PDF, Microsoft Office product formats, txt, html, and so forth) and in more than 100 human languages.

Omnity Official Youtube Video





Omnity Storage Monitor (SM).

The storage monitor watches all data indexes for existing and new files. When new files are added to the index, the monitor sends a request to the file handler to store this file on the DSN. When an existing file becomes unavailable, the SM sends a request to
 the recovery agent that retrieves the file from the DSN and restores it onto the index. There are several potential reasons as to why existing files might become unavailable such as natural disasters, data corruption, hardware failures, and network hacks.

Enterprise-Scale Consumption of Omnity

Enterprise-scale consumers of Omnity currently include Fortune 500 in a range of knowledge-rich and innovation driven industry verticals, including Aerospace, Energy, Materials, Medical Devices, and Pharmaceuticals, as well as State and Federal



Features of Omnity token

  1. The Early Acceptance Program (EAP) allows the token value to increase when used and resold internally (depending on value-added cumulative value).

  2. Tags can be used to launch discovery bots (search agents discover content cyclically selected by the user)

  3. Can use tags to customize the import of large documents



Omnity Advisors


Omnity More Information






Our Rating About The “Omnity” Project


My Info

Bitcointalk User Name : Taskurun1998

Bitcointalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1775722

ETH : 0x068f7F1C1B16eB504aE0690c9ac4477caFF46Ac9


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