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Ways to Boost Your Creativity

Snack on brain foods for a pick-me-up.


Feeling like you’ve hit a plateau when it comes to creativity? Food may help you snap out of it! There are plenty of foods you can eat that can help boost your creativity by improving brain function and providing you with plenty of energy for the day ahead. One thing that’s key here is to stay away from processed foods. Processed foods are typically laden with chemicals, which do nothing for our bodies. If you’re struggling with creativity, ditch the processed foods right away!
Instead, you should incorporate healthier foods into your daily life. You can eat things such as: cruciferous greens (like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and spinach), fresh fruit and vegetables, cold water fish (like salmon and mackerel), beans and lentils, nuts and seeds. Keep these items on-hand for an afternoon snack that will boost your brain power in no time at all. Now, that doesn’t mean you should completely eliminate those unhealthy treats from your life (such as those delicious cookies we all love). You can still treat yourself to a little something, but just don’t overdo it.
You can also get a brain boost by keeping your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Keep a water bottle on your desk while you work as a constant reminder to take a drink. When your body gets dehydrated, you become low on energy and it may even cause you to start craving unhealthy things like sweets and salty snacks.
One final option is to choose supplements that can also help boost productivity. There are plenty of supplements on the market today that can boost cognitive performance and enhance your focus. These types of supplements have actually started to gain a lot of popularity lately and are nicknamed “nootropics“. If you’re looking to pick some up to try, Lumonol is one that is well-reviewed and has natural ingredients, making it a great option.


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