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Self-Care Practices that Will Increase Your Peace of Mind

Change your mindset.

Self-care can be used for a lot of things: Improving your physical health, unwinding after a long day, giving your mental state a boost, or all of the above. While self-care needs and strategies vary from person to person, there’s one thing from which we could all benefit: greater peace of mind. The following six practices are especially geared toward achieving just that. 




Some of us have a nasty inner monologue running through our heads at all times. Identifying and challenging these negative thoughts with a more positive outlook can significantly improve your peace of mind. Whenever you catch yourself harshly judging yourself or others, take a moment to consider more compassionate interpretations of the situation at hand. Look for and affirm the good in yourself and others. Make forgiveness and gratitude your go-to attitudes. This is by no means an easy fix, but if you stick with it, you’ll find more ease in virtually every area of your life.

Not getting enough sleep provokes serious stress, impairs mood, and contributes to mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. On the other hand, getting high-quality sleep on a regular basis does wonders for your peace of mind and your resilience in the face of everyday stressors.

Thanks to new technologies and DIY systems, this is a simple and cost-effective way to breathe a little easier.
So a quick way to give yourself greater peace of mind is to de-clutter your living space, bedroom, office, or anywhere else where messiness is limiting your ability to relax. If any of these spaces are home to an issue that’s been bugging you for a while—e.g. a burnt-out light bulb or a squeaky door—taking care of that minor annoyance can result in further gains toward a greater sense of calm.
These practices are consistently identified as some of the most effective steps you can take to improve your mental health. The emphasis here is on the word “practice”—in order for these strategies to be truly helpful, you’ll need to turn them into daily habits. In exchange for these efforts, you’ll enjoy greater peace of mind for years to come.


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